Author Archives: admin

Simple Network Management Protocol

O protocolo SNMP (do inglês Simple Network Management Protocol – Protocolo de Gestão Simples de Rede) é um protocolo de gestão típica de redes TCP/IP, da camada de aplicação que facilita o intercâmbio de informação entre os dispositivos de rede. O SNMP possibilita aos administradores de rede gerir o desempenho da rede, encontrar e resolver problemas de rede, e planejar o crescimento desta.

O software de gestão de redes segue o modelo cliente-servidor convencional: uma aplicação ‘cliente’ na máquina do gestor e uma aplicação ‘servidora’ no dispositivo de rede a analisar. Para evitar confusão com outras aplicações de rede, os sistema de gestão de rede evitam os termos ‘cliente’ e ‘servidor’. Em vez disso, usam “gestor” para a aplicação cliente e “agente” para a aplicação servidora que corre no dispositivo de rede.

Aplicação HTTP, SMTP, FTP, SSH, RTP, Telnet, RDP, IRC, SNMP, NNTP, POP3, IMAP, BitTorrent, DNS, Ping, IPSec,…
Transporte TCP, UDP, SCTP, DCCP
Rede IPv4, IPv6, ARP, ICMP, Switch L3
Lógica Ethernet, 802.11 WiFi, IEEE 802.1Q, 802.11g, HDLC, Token ring, FDDI, PPP, Frame Relay,
Física RS-232, EIA-422, RS-449, EIA-485

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How to Create Multiple Websites with one IP address

There are three, count ‘em three ways to create multiple websites on IIS 4 and 5. First way is to use an unique IP for each site. This is ideal but if you haven’t looked around lately, IP addresses can be sorta scarce (that is of course unless your Harley Davidson or Apple both of whom own a Class A address).

The second way allows you to create multiple IP’s on one address by designating a non-standard TCP port number for the designated web to use. This is the way the Administrative website winds up on the same installation as the default website and both can be accessed. However, you have to designate the unique port number in the URL when accessing it. So instead of, it becomes or some other number. You can include the port number in a url so it’s really not problem for web pages to reference port designated web sites. The problem is that you can’s specify a port in a DNS server so if users want to lookup your website, they won’t be able to get to it.

Thus we come the next best thing, host headers.

The good news is this is relatively easy to do in IIS and it works very well. There is virtually no performance penalty and it works with most every browser in use today (browsers must be HTTP 1.1 compliant). You can use DNS to point to the website so internet users can find your host header designate site with no problems. You do have to pay attention to the details however or it won’t work. The biggest downside is that you compromised using SSL. (Microsoft KB Article: Q187504 – IIS: HTTP 1.1 Host Headers Not Supported When Using SSL)

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Como saber que versão do SQL Server estou a correr?


SELECT 'SQL Server '
+ '-'
+ ' ('
+ ')'

SQL Server 7.0, 2000, and 2005, running the following will extract ONLY the version information.


And the following query will work on SQL Server 2000 and up:

SELECT ‘SQL Server ‘
+ CAST(SERVERPROPERTY(‘productversion’) AS VARCHAR) + ‘ – ‘
+ CAST(SERVERPROPERTY(‘productlevel’) AS VARCHAR) + ‘ (‘

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Expressões Regulares com Regulazy

Regulazy demo

Regulazy é uma ferramenta para criar Expressões Regulares para principiantes.
“It contains an easy “point and click” user interface, and allows creating regular expressions for simple searches almost instantly without requiring Regex syntax knowledge from the end user!”
  • Point & Click: No need for regex knowledge
  • Predictive technology: Regulazy tries to give you the best options for the selected text
  • Code Sample Generation in VB.NET and C#
    de Roy Osherove

Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 – Release Candidate

.Net Fx 30O Microsoft® .NET Framework 3.0 (conhecido com WinFX) inclui todos os requisitos necessários para o utilizador poder executar aplicações concebidas em .NET Framework, incluindo a Common Language Runtime, a “biblioteca� .NET Framework , e ASP.NET. Este pack de recursos mostrar-se-á imensamente importante pois muito software existente no mercado corre sobre a plataforma .NET Framework e sem este pack não poderá executar os ditos aplicativos. Este pack não é cumulativo, necessitando o utilizador de ter no seu sistema as anteriores versões 1.1 e 2.0 para correr aplicações desenvolvidas sobe essas plataformas.


Microsoft® .NET Framework 3.0 Final x86
Microsoft® .NET Framework 3.0 Final x64


Microsoft® .NET Framework

Windows Vista: Dia D

Vista Logo“The day has finally come: Windows Vista is going gold. And the public announcement that Windows Vista has been released to manufacturing is going to happen tomorrow, November 8, around 11 a.m. PST, sources close to the company are saying.�

Windows Vista Site

Windows Vista RC1 Download

Internet Explorer 7 Site

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GimpGIMP is the GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a freely distributed piece of software for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring. It works on many operating systems, in many languages.

Official GIMP web siteÂ


The software from MySQL AB listed below is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) and is provided “as is” and is without any warranty.


Mail Server BlackListed


A blacklist is a list or register of entities who, for one reason or another, are being denied a particular privilege, service, or mobility.

Open mail relay

An open mail relay is an SMTP (e-mail) server configured in such a way that it allows anyone on the Internet to relay (i.e. send) e-mail through it.

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