Category Archives: Visual Studio

Tutorials Utils VB Visual Studio

Default certificate could not be created. Publish aborting

You need to tell the Publisher where to get the Certificate from:

  1. Go to Project-> Properties
  2. Go to the tab named “Signing”
  3. Check the Checkbox labeled ‘Sign the ClickOnce manifests’. This enables the section where you can point to a certificate.
  4. Click on the button labeled ‘Select From File…”. In the directory listing, choose a key file (.pfx) and Open.
  5. From the step 3, click the button labeled “More Details…”. This will display the certificate you’ve just selected.
  6. Click “Install Certificate” and follow the prompts.
  7. Save and Publish your Solution.
Microsoft Visual Studio

Visual Studio shortcut keys

You are familiar with many of Visual Studio’s shortcut keys, but not all of them. Here is a handy reference that can make your .NET lifestyle easier and a lot more productive.
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Microsoft Visual Studio

Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4 Launch Date

Short but sweet, Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4 will launch on Monday, 12 April 2010.

.NET Microsoft Visual Studio

Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4 – released

Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4 focuses on the core pillars of developer experience, support for the latest platforms, targeted experiences for specific application types, and core architecture improvements.

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Tips & tricks Visual Studio

Compilação de sites no VS 2005

Sempre que se corre o site pelo Visual Studio ele faz uma compilação geral do site. Podemos mudar isso re-configurando o projecto.

  • Clique com o botão direito no site, na janela solution explorer.
  • Selecione a opção “Property Pages” .
  • Selecione a opção “Build
  • Na opção “Before Running Start Page“, encontra-se por default como “Build Web Site“, altere para “Build Page
  • Desmarque a opção “Build Web Site as part of the solution

Com essas alterações o VS não irá mais checar todas as páginas do site a cada execução que você fizer, passando a checar apenas a página actual e com isso melhorando a performance no trabalho com o VS.