Category Archives: Tutorials

Tips & tricks Tutorials

Break lines at specific character in Notepad ++

  1. In Notepad++, click Search > Find.
  2. Click the Replace tab.
  3. Under the Search Mode group, select Regular expression.
  4. In the Find what text field, type ],\s*
  5. In the Replace with text field, type ],\n
  6. Click Replace All.

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Backup MySQL Security SQL Tips & tricks Tutorials web services Windows server

Schedule Mysql Backups to Amazon S3 in Windows server 2008 R2

1 – Access Amazon Services, S3
2 – Create a New Bucket if there’s no one.
3 – Create credentials in  IAM Amazon Services
4 – Download the tool s3.exe for windows, from

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Tips & tricks Tutorials

What is a PAD file?

PAD stands for Portable Application Description, and a PAD file is a clear and easy way for software authors to provide online sources with information about their products. The advantage of using a PAD file is that it enables you to store all the descriptions and specifications in one single place – system requirements, price, contact info, file names, download URL’s and more.

Another great thing about PAD files is that they’re so easy to create – and that it doesn’t cost you anything! The Association of Shareware Professionals have put together a range of totally free tools that allow you to create and modify your PAD files. Here at SoftwarePromotions, we have also created our own PAD file tools to make life easier for software authors – check out our guide to using PADGen and our PAD validation tool.

Once you have created your PAD file, you should put it in two different places. First in your ZIP file, so that the people who distribute your software can access all the information that they might need. Second, you also want to put your PAD file on your own website, since this is what many of the download sites will ask you for.

Since June 2001, SoftwarePromotions has been working exclusively with PAD files. This is because the PAD format allows us to get your software listed on as many sites as possible, in the shortest amount of time.

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Internet Tutorials

The domain name life cycle

When you buy a domain name from a registrar, you are usually given the option to specify how many years you want to register it for. After that, you can transfer your name to a web hosting company that will either build and host your website, or just host it.

When you “buy” a domain name, you’re actually just leasing it for the period of time you paid for when you registered it. As that period nears its end, a series of stages occurs which ends in the domain name being “deleted”.
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Trends Tutorials

Building Scalable Databases: Denormalization, the NoSQL Movement and Digg

Database normalization is a technique for designing relational database schemas that ensures that the data is optimal for ad-hoc querying and that modifications such as deletion or insertion of data does not lead to data inconsistency.

Database denormalization is the process of optimizing your database for reads by creating redundant data. A consequence of denormalization is that insertions or deletions could cause data inconsistency if not uniformly applied to all redundant copies of the data within the database.
Why Denormalize Your Database?

Today, lots of Web applications have “social” features. A consequence of this is that whenever I look at content or a user in that service, there is always additional content from other users that also needs to be pulled in to page. When you visit the typical profile on a social network like Facebook or MySpace, data for all the people that are friends with that user needs to be pulled in.

Or when you visit a shared bookmark on you need data for all the users who have tagged and bookmarked that URL as well. Performing a query across the entire user base for “all the users who are friends with Robert Scoble” or “all the users who have bookmarked this blog link” is expensive even with caching. It is orders of magnitude faster to return the data if it is precalculated and all written to the same place.

This is optimizes your reads at the cost of incurring more writes to the system. It also means that you’ll end up with redundant data because there will be multiple copies of some amount of user data as we try to ensure the locality of data.

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Social Networking on Intranets

Community features are spreading from “Web 2.0” to “Enterprise 2.0.” Research across 14 companies found that many are making productive use of social intranet features.

Through several rounds of research on intranet portals, we’ve repeatedly reached the same conclusions:

  • When Intranet information architectures are structured according to the org chart, employees have a hard time finding their way around. It’s better to structure information according to how people use it, rather than what department owns it.
  • Role-based personalization lets portals bring information to users in centralized views, rather than forcing users to navigate an immense information space to find individual (and dispersed) locations.

Social features on intranets take these two trends a step further, creating a “person-structured” intranet IA focused around the individual users as well as other people on the intranet.

by Jakob Nielsen’s Alertbox, August 3, 2009:
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Programmer Stereotype

Cowboy Coder

Cowboy Coders are programmers who write code according to their own rules. They may be very good at writing code, but it doesn’t generally follow the standards, processes, policies, or anything else derived from the group. Cowboy Coders work well alone, or in the old-style CaveProgrammer environment, but they rarely, if ever, work well in a team. Often times, they are a burr in the saddle that keeps the team from getting positive work done.

The above elicits mixed emotions. I have often been a CowboyCoder; in some circumstances I didn’t have a choice (I was the *only* coder on the project); in others, it was inherent in the context : no team rules, standards, or processes, and a division of labor which put senior developers in charge of different projects, with little opportunity to elaborate such standards as a team. I didn’t like having the pattern thrust upon me, and I’m pretty sure I’ll do much better in a team.

CowboyCoders are identified more by their attitude than by their circumstances. CowboyCoders prefer — nay, insist! — to avoid standards, processes, and policies, and hate working with others.

Some CowboyCoders work in packs as GuerillaCoders, self-supporting their behaviors. See RamboCoder.

The Cowboy Way:

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Top-level domain (TLD)

O domínio de topo (sigla: TLD, do inglês top-level domain) é um dos componentes dos endereços de Internet. Cada nome de domínio na Internet consiste de alguns nomes separados por pontos, e o primeiro desses nomes é o domínio de topo, ou TLD. Por exemplo, no nome de domínio, o TLD é com (ou COM, visto que nos TLDs a capitalização é ignorada).

Os TLDs são usados em primeiro lugar com o protocolo DNS, que transforma os nomes de domínio em endereços IP. Podem dividir-se em duas classes: TLDs de código de país (ccTLDs, de country code TLDs) e TLDs genéricos (gTLDs, de generic TLDs). Os ccTLDs têm sempre duas letras e derivam do código ISO 3166-1 alpha-2, e os gTLDs têm sempre mais do que duas letras.

Tips & tricks Tutorials Utils

html tag: fieldset

A tag <fieldset> é usada para agrupar lógicamente elementos de um formulário.

A tag <fieldset> tag desenha uma caixa em volta dos elementos do formulário.

A tag <legend> define o título do elemento.

<fieldset >




Site ou portal?

As diferenças entre site, portal, hotsite e minisite.

Por Bruno Rodrigues (

Por vezes, dizer que o webwriter lida com o universo da informação na web é muito vago. Afinal, em que ?caixas? o texto, a imagem, a animação, o ícone e tantos outros elementos informativos da mídia digital ?moram? de fato dentro de um campo tão amplo?

Definir estes espaços é a grande dificuldade para os profissionais do webwriting ? e não sem motivo. Conceitos como portal, hotsite e até mesmo site se misturam e provocam tantas dúvidas que acabam por interferir no resultado final da boa distribuição da informação. Como adaptar um material para um hotsite, se não está claro para um produtor de conteúdo online a diferença entre hotsite e minisite?

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