Category Archives: Networking


NETSH – Windows XP e Windows Server 2003

Um poderoso comando que poucos utilizam e é muito bom para qualquer ação com o sistema operacional é o NETSH, você pode realizar diversas operações de rede, como alterações de endereço IP, servidor de DNS, WINS, renomear placa de rede, configuração de filtro IPSEC, configuração do firewall do Windows XP SP2, entre outras funções.

Abaixo veremos alguns comandos úteis, como alterações de dados em interface, e um comando que ajuda a diagnosticar problemas na rede.

Antes de testar os comandos perceba que o nome utilizado abaixo é “REDE LOCAL�, e no Windows ele vem como “Local �rea Connection�, para renomear sua placa você pode ir ao menu Iniciar,Conexões de Rede, clicar com o botão direito em cima da placa de rede, e renomear.

1) Alteração de IP na interface para endereço estático :

  • netsh interface ip set address name=”Rede Local” static 1

2) Alteração de IP na interface para endereço DHCP

  • netsh interface ip set address name=”Rede Local” source=dhcp

3) Alterando o Gateway e metrica

  • netsh interface ip set address “Rede Local” gateway = gwmetric = 2

4) Alterando o DNS da placa de rede

  • netsh interface ip set dns “Rede Local” source=static addr= register=PRIMARY

Alguns comandos que funcionam apenas com Windows XP SP2 !!!

1) Mostrar configuração do Firewall do Windows XP

  • netsh firewall show config

2) Reseta configurações do Firewall para padrão

  • netsh firewall reset

3) Reseta todas configurações de REDE (Útil em caso de spywares contaminar, e seu micro não conseguir mais requisitar um IP ao DHCP Server)

  • netsh winsock reset

Agora um ótimo comando para verificação de problemas em sua configuração de rede.



Microsoft Host Integration Server

Microsoft Host Integration Server 2004 helps customers integrate IBM host applications, data sources, messaging and security systems with new solutions developed using the Microsoft Windows Server System platform.

Host Integration Server 2004 features and technologies, including network integration, host access with enhanced security, and application integration, enable Windows developers to publish business processes in IBM mainframe and AS/400 applications as XML Web Services, which brings their Host applications and processes into a Services Oriented Environment.
Network Integration and Consolidation

Organizations with IBM host systems no longer need to remotely administer branch cluster controllers, use expensive data link switching (DLSw) capable routers, or maintain costly front-end processors (FEPs). With Host Integration Server 2004, enterprises can consolidate their network infrastructure while supporting the same level of SNA-compatible applications and services.

High Speed Gigabit Ethernet.
In Host Integration Server 2004, the core network integration portion of the product has been extended to offer an IP-DLC “Link Service” to enable Host Integration Server to participate in an IBM Enterprise Extender environment. Customers can deploy Host Integration Server 2004 in a branch office, in a central location, or even within the data center, directly-connected to the mainframe across a gigabit Ethernet.

Peer-to-Peer Support. Host Integration Server 2004 includes innovative technologies, such as Transaction Integrator (TI) Host-Initiated Processing (HIP), that offer TCP/IP and SNA listeners which enable a Windows Server computer to function as a peer to IBM mainframe and AS/400 computers.

Virtual Private Network (VPN). With Host Integration Server 2004 and Windows Server 2003 you have low-cost, tunneled connectivity through the Internet for client-to-server and network-to-network VPN features with enhanced security.


Systems Management Server 2003 Features

Systems Management Server (SMS) 2003 provides a comprehensive solution for addressing and resolving your change and configuration needs. Read about SMS 2003 features in the table below.

SMS 2003 Features

Detailed application deployment planning. Detailed reports available in SMS 2003 ease the application deployment process. For a planned deployment, it is easy to obtain the target group’s current hardware base, existing applications, and version information, as well as the current service pack and hotfix levels of the system.

Capability Description

  • Rich distribution targeting. Software distribution and other management tasks can be specifically targeted to machines and users using a wide variety of properties including network and hardware configuration, Active Directory® organizational unit, and group membership and software installation status.
  • Delta distribution between site servers and distribution points. When changes are made to previously deployed software package sources, only the source changes are propagated between SMS 2003 site servers and distribution points, rather than the entire application image.
  • Elevated rights Windows Installer service. Because SMS 2003 supports the Windows Installer service (.msi), it is able to switch user account contexts during a package installation allowing for self-healing application installation on systems that have been secured.
  • Add or Remove Programs support. Applications can be easily published to the Add or Remove Programs interface to provide users with a consistent way of installing applications.
  • Application usage monitoring. Summary and detail reports can be generated specifying which applications were used by users, how long they were used, and on which managed systems they were used. Usage can be tracked by user or computer, and reports can be created around concurrent usage data.
  • Granular software inventory file level searching. Now you can configure SMS 2003 to provide you with the asset discovery you need–to the level that you need.
  • Detailed hardware inventory. Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) enhancements allow improved client-side performance during inventory scans and provide a richer set of inventory data, including BIOS and chassis enclosure data.
  • Web-enabled reporting. More than 120 pre-built reports are included, covering hardware and software inventory as well as computer status and software deployment progress.
  • Vulnerability identification. Standard Microsoft security tools, such as the Microsoft Baseline Security Inventory Analyzer and the Microsoft Office Inventory Tool for Updates enable you to inventory your systems for applicable patches and vulnerabilities.
  • Patch deployment wizard. A simple console wizard is provided to assist administrators in deploying required patches to managed devices.
  • Vulnerability assessment and mitigation reporting. After missing security patches have been identified, the results of these individual scans are then posted to the central database for reporting and targeting purposes. As missing patches are deployed, this data may be optionally updated in real time.
  • Bandwidth-aware clients. The new Advanced Client uses the Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) technology to automatically detect the capacity of the client network connection and adjust transfer rates efficiently.
  • Checkpoint/restart. Upon reconnection, any partial downloads to clients will continue where they left off; there is no need to restart transmissions because of a disconnected session. Checkpoint/restart works at the byte level, requiring only the download of those bytes in a package that haven’t already been transferred.
  • Download and execute. After a new software package has been successfully downloaded to a client, it remains in the cache of the client system until the scheduled install time, when it is then executed.
  • Location awareness. As mobile users move through geographic locations, flexible site boundaries ensure that they always receive software packages and updates from the nearest appropriate installation source, and are not required to install software across the enterprise wide area network (WAN).
  • Active Directory discovery. SMS 2003 can automatically discover the Active Directory properties of both users and systems, including organizational unit container and group level membership. Software packages can then be targeted based on these Active Directory attributes.
  • Active Directory-based site boundaries. Site boundaries can now be based on Active Directory site names, rather than on Internet Protocol (IP) subnets.
  • Advanced Security Mode. Built-in computer and local system accounts can be used for all server functions (such as database access), dramatically simplifying the management of accounts and passwords within SMS 2003 and making the enterprise more secure by not creating extra high-rights accounts.
  • Improved status tools. The status data provides real-time information about the current state of SMS 2003 processes, both on servers and clients.
  • Windows XP Remote Assistance support. The high-performance Windows XP Remote Assistance feature is now an option for troubleshooting clients remotely from the SMS Administrator Console when a user is present at the remote machine.


Server/CAL License Options

New User-based License Options

  • Summary of the New Licensing Options

New Options for Microsoft Server Licensing

In December 2002, Microsoft announced new options for licensing Microsoft server products to address your business needs. These new options are particularly beneficial if you seek user-based licensing or a cost-effective way to allow your business partners and end-customers access to your licensed server software.

New User-based Server License Option

Microsoft has introduced user-based server licensing in the form of a User Client Access License (User CAL). The User CAL option will allow you to acquire a single CAL for an individual user that accesses server products from any number of devices instead of acquiring a CAL for each of those devices. Generally, User CALs benefit organization with more devices than users.

A Device CAL is still available. The Device CAL is licensed to an individual device that accesses Microsoft server products. Generally Device CALs benefit organizations with more users than devices.

The following basic guidelines will help you understand User CALs.

Generally, the User CAL option will be introduced with new versions of most server products that are licensed on a Server CAL basis. Microsoft currently anticipates the next version of the following products to include the User CAL option:

  • Microsoft® Windows® Server
  • Windows Server Terminal Server
  • Microsoft Exchange Server
  • Microsoft SharePointâ„¢ Portal Server
  • Microsoft SQL Serverâ„¢

As an exception to the general rule of introducing the User CAL option with new product versions, SQL Server 2000 will introduce the User CAL option in May 2003.

  • A Core CAL with user-based rights, or Core User CAL, will be available for the April 2003 launch of Windows Server 2003, at which time the User CAL and External Connector License options will be introduced.
  • Customers may purchase the Core User CAL through the Enterprise Agreement (EA) Platform via the new EA with Core User CAL enrollment or the Select Agreement.
  • Customers with Device CALs enrolled at the time of launch in Software Assurance (SA) through Open, Select, or EA agreements, or Core CALs acquired under an EA, will have the one-time right to convert any or all of these CALs to User, per the following rules:
    • SA for the Device CALs must be in effect at the time the User CAL option is initially introduced for the corresponding server product. In the case of Core CALs under an EA, the EA enrollment must be in effect when the Core User CAL is initially introduced in April 2003.
    • Customers may exercise the one-time option to switch eligible Device CALs to User CALs at any time during the remainder of the SA coverage period or term of the EA enrollment.
    • Customers will not be able to mix Core Device CAL and Core User CAL within a single EA enrollment. All Core CALs acquired under an EA enrollment must be either device-based CALs or user-based CALs.
  • As a general rule, all customers with CALs enrolled in SA will be able to switch between device-based and user-based upon renewal of the CAL SA coverage.

New External Connector License Option

External Connector licenses allow an unlimited number of external users to access an organization’s licensed Microsoft server products. External Connector users include partners and end-customers but not hosted services users.

Improvements to the Per Processor License Option

Microsoft has also introduced improvements to the Per Processor License model, which applies generally to Microsoft eBusiness server products. These changes will be particularly beneficial to those customers who utilize hardware partitioning, software partitioning or software emulation, or who install and run multiple instances of a server application on a server. These improvements are as follows:

  • Customers must acquire licenses for only those processors that are accessible to any operating system copy upon which the server software is set up to run.
  • Customers may install and run any number of copies of the server software on a server provided that the required number of processor licenses has been acquired.

Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services

Microsoft has recently announced the introduction of new licensing options to address customers’ business needs and to complement the technical capabilities of Microsoft Server Products. This is part of an ongoing effort to make licensing more consistent, predictable, and flexible. These new changes will first be available with the release of Microsoft® Windows® Server 2003, which includes the functionality of Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services and therefore affects the licensing of Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services.

The new options will be particularly beneficial to those who seek user-based licensing, who would like to provide server access to their end-customers or partners, or who run solutions that leverage multiple Microsoft server products.

Summary of the new licensing options

User Client Access License (User CAL)
The User Client Access License (User CAL) is designed to provide you with a manageable and cost-effective way to allow your users to access server software from any device. The User CAL eliminates the need for you to obtain a Device CAL for every device from which a particular user accesses your server software. If you prefer the current model, Device CALs will still be a licensing option. In general, you will have the option of acquiring Device and/or User CALs for new versions of Microsoft server products that are licensed on a Server/CAL basis. You should make this decision based on your own business needs.

a. For example, a company whose executives and sales people access Microsoft Windows Server from multiple devices (e.g., a work PC, a home PC, and a wireless PDA), would now be able to purchase 1 User CAL for each of those people rather than purchasing multiple Device CALs.

b. In comparison, a company whose employees share devices (e.g., a call center) may still opt to purchase 1 Device CAL for each device accessing the server software.

External Connector for External Users
The External Connector license is designed to provide you with a manageable and cost-effective way to allow your business partners and end-customers access to your licensed server software. For many, the External Connector license will be a simplified solution because it eliminates the need to count and purchase individual CALs for each business partner or end-customer accessing the licensed server software. This option will generally be available for new versions of Microsoft server products that are licensed exclusively on a Server/CAL basis (i.e., products without a processor-based licensing alternative). External Connector licenses cannot be used for hosting.

For example, a company that allows both suppliers and their end-customers to access its servers may have difficulty counting and tracking individual CALs for these users. As an alternative, this company would be able to purchase the External Connector license for each copy of the server software accessed by an unlimited number of their suppliers and/or end-customers.

Removal of the Operating System Equivalency Provision
As part of this announcement, Microsoft also announced that the provision for Operating System Equivalency (OS equivalency provision) will not apply to Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services. The OS equivalency provision states that there is no need for a Microsoft Windows Server Terminal Services Client Access License (CAL) for devices accessing Microsoft Terminal Services that are running a corresponding version of the Professional Edition of the Microsoft Windows Desktop Operating System.

Microsoft Windows Server Terminal Services Version Corresponding Versions of Windows Desktop Professional
Microsoft Windows 2003 Server Terminal Services Microsoft Windows 2003 Professional (or later version of Windows Professional) Microsoft Windows NT® Server 4.0 Terminal Server Edition (Terminal Server was a separate product at the time of this version release) Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 4.0 (or later version of Windows XP Professional)

This decision was made based on:

  • Additional features/functionality that have been added to Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services.
  • The OS Equivalency provision that was inconsistent with Microsoft’s new software licensing framework, in providing consistent and flexible licensing terms.

Microsoft realizes that the removal of the OS Equivalency provision for Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services will affect some customers and is committed to ensuring that existing Microsoft customers who would like to take advantage of Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services features have a cost-effective way of doing so. As a result, we have developed a transition plan to provide a cost effective means for existing Volume Licensing customers to migrate to Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services CALs, upon product launch.

New Value added to Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services
Microsoft has added new functionality to Microsoft Terminal Services in the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 release. This release of Microsoft Terminal Services software will provide more business value than previous releases and the additional functionality will provide customers with a better out-of-the-box solution. The following is a summary of some of the improvements that customers will be able to take advantage of:

Better User Experience
Advanced Resource Redirection: (Disk drives, Local and Network Printers, Serial devices, Smart Card, Clipboard, Time zone, Audio output, Windows key combos)
Hi Color (Up to 24-bit), 1600×1200

Enhanced Manageability
WMI, Group Policy, ADSI, MMC Snap-In, Software Restriction Policy
Microsoft Windows System Resource Manager (WSRM) – Included in Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition

Increased Scalability
Scale-up: improvements to scalability in larger SMP systems
Scale-out: support for Load Balancing (Session Directory)

Enhanced Security
128-bit bi-directional RC4 encryption
FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standard) Encryption Level
Smart Card Support

Consistency with Microsoft’s New Software Licensing Framework
The introduction of the new options for licensing Microsoft software products that are licensed in the Server CAL model reflects our commitment to making licensing more consistent, flexible, and valuable to customers. We received feedback from customers that the OS Equivalency provision was inconsistent with those qualities for the following reasons:

  • The OS Equivalency Provision resulted in situations where customers were at risk of becoming noncompliant. In the past, if you were using the most current version of the desktop operating system, then you were granted access to Microsoft Windows Terminal Services in the Microsoft Windows Server Operating System. But if you upgraded to a new server operating system and didn’t upgrade your client operating systems, you were required to acquire Microsoft Windows Server Terminal Services CALs. Depending on your client upgrade cycles, you could easily find yourself moving in and out of compliance with licenses. This caused customers a great deal of frustration and confusion.
  • Microsoft Windows Terminal Services is adding the User CAL and External Connector options to solve many customer problems encountered with our previous Microsoft Windows Terminal Services licensing models. Keeping the OS Equivalency Provision, in conjunction with the new CAL options, would result in you having to do complicated calculations to figure out what to buy and when.
  • The new licensing model for Microsoft Windows Terminal Services in Microsoft Windows Server 2003 is more consistent with the Microsoft Windows Server licensing model. We received feedback from numerous customers that the licensing of Terminal Services was highly confusing, largely due to the OS Equivalency provision. Because Microsoft Windows CALs and Microsoft Windows Server Terminal Services CALs are both required when using Microsoft Windows Terminal Services, having the same license structure removes a layer of complexity.

Transition Plan for OS Equivalency Removal in Microsoft Windows 2003 Server Terminal Services
Microsoft realizes that the removal of the OS Equivalency provision will affect some customers and is committed to ensuring that existing Microsoft customers who would like to take advantage of Microsoft Windows 2003 Server Terminal Services features have a cost-effective way of doing so. As a result, we have developed a transition plan to provide a cost effective means for existing Volume Licensing customers to migrate to Microsoft Windows 2003 Server Terminal Services CALs, upon product launch.

The following table summarizes the migration path to
Microsoft Windows 2003 Server Terminal Services CALs for customers by agreement and license type, at the time of the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Launch.

Microsoft Windows 2003 Server Terminal Services CALs
Open License Microsoft Windows Desktop Professional Edition Upgrade L&SA/UA, with UA/SA active at the time of launch of Windows Server 2003 Receive Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services CAL and SA/UA coverage during remaining term of SA/UA.
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Edition Upgrade L Receive Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services CAL
Microsoft Windows Desktop Operating System license (any edition or version other than Microsoft Windows XP Professional), not including SA/UA. Either 1) Acquire Microsoft Windows XP Professional Upgrade License before the launch of Microsoft Windows Server Terminal Services and receive a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services CAL, or 2) Acquire a CAL for Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services
Current Terminal Server Work at Home CAL Receive Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services CAL
Microsoft Windows Server Terminal Services CAL (any version other than Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services.) Either 1) Acquire Microsoft Windows XP Professional before the launch of Microsoft Windows Server Terminal Services and receive a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services CAL, or 2) Acquire a CAL for Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services
Terminal Services CAL&SA/UA, with UA/SA active at the time of launch of Windows Server 2003 Receive Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services CAL and SA/UA coverage during the remaining term of SA/UA.
Select License Microsoft Windows Desktop Professional Edition Upgrade L&SA/UA, with UA/SA active at the time of launch of Windows Server 2003 Receive Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services CAL and SA/UA coverage during remaining term of SA/UA.
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Edition Upgrade L Receive Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services CAL
Microsoft Windows Desktop Operating System license (any edition or version other than Microsoft Windows XP Professional), not including SA/UA. Either 1) Acquire a Microsoft Windows XP Professional Upgrade license before the launch of Microsoft Windows Server Terminal Services and receive a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services CAL, or 2) Acquire a CAL for Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services
Terminal Services Work at Home CAL Receive Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services CAL
Microsoft Windows Server Terminal Services CAL (any version other than Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services) Either 1) Acquire Microsoft Windows XP Professional before the launch of Microsoft Windows Server Terminal Services and receive a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services CAL or 2) Acquire a CAL for Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services
Terminal Services CAL&SA/UA, with UA/SA active at the time of launch of Windows Server 2003 Receive Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services CAL and SA/UA coverage during the remaining term of SA/UA.
Enterprise Agreements (active enrollments) Microsoft Windows Desktop Operating System enrolled in an EA that is active at the time of launch of Windows Server 2003 Receive Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services CAL and maintenance coverage during remaining enrollment term.
Terminal Services Work at Home CAL Receive Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services CAL and maintenance coverage during remaining enrollment term (unless otherwise stated in your agreement).
Microsoft Windows Server Terminal Services CAL (any version)(without Microsoft Windows Desktop Operating System Upgrade) Receive Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services CAL and maintenance coverage during remaining enrollment.
  • Note, Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services CALs can be either User or Device CALs. However, Microsoft Windows Server Terminal Services will not be able to accommodate downgrades for User CALs (i.e. a Microsoft Windows 2003 Server Terminal Services User CAL cannot be downgraded to a Microsoft Windows 2000 Windows Terminal Services User CAL) because Microsoft Windows 2000 Terminal Services (and prior version) technologies only support Device CALs.

CAL Options

Microsoft CAL (Client Access License) Guide

What is a Client Access License (CAL)
If your company’s workstations are networked, you will utilize a network server and the workstations on the network will access that server(s) software to perform certain functions such as file and print sharing. In order to legally access this server software, a client access license or CAL may be required. A CAL is not a software product; rather it is a license that gives a user the right to access the services of the server.

Due to the technical nature of server products, CAL licensing can be a complicated area. We have created the following information to help you determine the need for CALs.

Below you will find information on a variety of Microsoft Server products and the licensing of CALs as it relates to those products. Before you read about how CALs apply to each product, a section on “Per Seat,” “Per Server,” or “Per Processor” licensing will be helpful:

Per Seat Licensing
With Per Seat licensing, any number of licensed computers and/or devices can be used to connect to the server. However, you must purchase CALs for each client computer and/or device where access to services is needed such as file and print, or Microsoft server applications. The following is a diagram illustrating Per Seat licensing:

Per Seat licensing is available for Windows 2003 Server, Windows NT Server, Exchange Server, SQL server, Site Server, SNA Server, Systems Management Server, Mobile Information Server, and SharePoint Portal Server.

Per Server Licensing
With Per Server licensing, a specified number of CALs are associated with a particular server. The number of devices that can legally access that server simultaneously is limited in Per Server licensing to the number of CALs purchased for that particular server. For example, if your organization chooses to deploy Windows NT Server in Per Server mode, purchasing 50 CALs will allow up to 50 devices to be connected to that server simultaneously. Because CALs in Per Server deployments are not permanently associated with a specific device, if your organization adds another Windows NT Server, and remains deployed in Per Server mode, separate Windows NT CALs will be required to access the second server. With Per Server deployments, the system administrator designates the number of CALs that apply to the server during setup, based on the number that have been purchased for that server. The following is a diagram illustrating Per Server licensing:

Per Server licensing is available for Windows 2003 Server, Windows NT Server, SQL Server 7.0, Site Server, and Site Server Commerce.

Per Processor Licensing
Under the Per Processor model, a customer acquires a Processor license for each processor running their server software. A Processor License includes access for an unlimited number of users to connect from either inside the corporate local area network (LAN) or wide area network (WAN) or outside the firewall. Customers do not need to purchase additional server licenses, CALs, or Internet Connector Licenses.




O NetBIOS (abreviatura de Network Basic Input/Output System) é uma interface que fornece às aplicações de rede um serviço de transmissão orientado à conexão, um serviço de nomes para identificar seus usuários na rede e, opcionalmente, um serviço de transmissão de datagramas não confiável.

O NetBIOS também é uma API de programação do protocolo NetBEUI, que trabalha na camada 5 do modelo OSI (Camada de Sessão), fazendo a ligação entre os programas e o protocolo NetBEUI. O NetBIOS também pode ser utilizado em conjunto com outros protocolos diferentes, permitindo que os programas utilizem uma “linguagem” comum para acessar a rede, independentemente do protocolo que está instalado na máquina.

Foi desenvolvido inicialmente pela Sytec, em uma implementação residente numa placa IBM PC Network. Essa interface foi introduzida pela IBM em 1984, e usada pela Microsoft no sistema operacional de rede MS-Net.

—————– —————— —————
O NetBIOS (Network Input/Output System) é uma interface para programação de aplicações distribuídas. Foi desenvolvido inicialmente pela Sytec, em uma implementação residente numa placa IBM PC Network. Essa interface foi introduzida pela IBM em 1984, e usada pela Microsoft no sistema operacional de rede MS-Net.

O NetBIOS não é um protocolo e sim uma interface que fornece às aplicações de rede um serviço de transmissão orientado à conexão, um serviço de nomes para identificar seus usuários na rede e, opcionalmente, um serviço de transmissão de datagramas não confiável.

Nomes NetBIOS em redes Microsoft Windows

O espaço de nomes NetBIOS é plano e significa que todos os nomes dentro do espaço de nomes não podem ser duplicados. Eles usam até 16 caracteres em seu comprimento. Os recursos são identificados por nomes que são registrados dinamicamente, quando, os computadores, serviços ou aplicações entram em ação. Eles podem ser registrados como único, ou como um grupo. Um nome NetBIOS é usado para localizar um recurso solucionando o seu nome para um endereço IP.

Em redes Microsoft, estações e servidores permitem especificar os primeiros 15 caracteres de um nome NetBIOS pelo usuário ou administrador do sistema, mas reserva o décimo sexto caracter do nome NetBIOS para indicar um tipo de recurso (00-FF em hexadecimal). Alguns programas populares de terceiros também usam este caracter para identificar e registrar os serviços específicos deles. Um exemplo a seguir, lista nomes de NetBIOS usados através de componentes de rede Microsoft.

Nome único Serviço
computer_name[00h] Serviço de estação
computer_name[03h] Serviço de mensagem
computer_name[06h] Serviço RAS server
computer_name[1Fh] Serviço NetDDE
computer_name[20h] Serviço de servidor
computer_name[21h] Serviço RAS Client
computer_name[BEh] Serviço Network Monitor Agent
computer_name[BFh] Serviço Network Monitor Application
user_name[03] Serviço de mensagem
domain_name[1Dh] Serviço de Master browser
domain_name[1Bh] Serviço de Domain Master browser
Nome de Grupo
domain_name[00h] Serviço Domain name
domain_name[1Ch] Serviço Domain controllers
domain_name[1Eh] Serviço Browser service elections
\\–__MSBROWSER__[01h] Serviço Master browser

Para ver quais nomes um computador registrou, digite o seguinte comando: nbtstat -n

No Windows 2000 é permitido ré-registrar nomes com o servidor de nome depois que o mesmo já foi iniciado, e, para fazer isto, digite o seguinte comando: nbtstat -RR.

Métodos de Inscrição e Resolução

A seguir temos alguns métodos sobre os recursos de nomes NetBIOS em Redes TCP/IP Windows:

» Inscrição ou pesquisa de estações
» Inscrição ou pesquisa de servidores
» Inscrição ou pesquisa de domínio ou grupo de trabalhos
» Inscrição ou pesquisa de broadcast de sub-rede IP
» Pesquisa no arquivo LMHOST estático
» Pesquisa no arquivo HOST estático
» Pesquisa em servidores de DNS

O Tipo de nó, é quem define a ordem de inscrição e resolução de nomes NetBIOS. Os nós são apoiados em cima das seguintes técnicas:

Nó B – usa broadcast para inscrição de nome e resolução.

Nó P – usa um servidor de nomes NetBIOS(WINS) para inscrição de nome e resolução.

Nó M – usa broadcast para inscrição de nome. Para resolução de nome, tenta broadcast primeiro, mas passa a usar o nó P se não recebe nenhuma resposta.

Nó H – usa um servidor de nomes NetBIOS(WINS) para inscrição e resolução. Porém, se nenhum servidor de nome pode ser localizado, troca para o nó B. Continua pesquisando à rede atrás de um servidor de nome ou da inscrição/resolução em questão, se neste meio tempo acha um servidor de nome antes de obter a resposta, passa para o nó P.

Com base na determinação dos tipos de nó do dispositivo da rede, o entendimento prático da resolução de nomes NetBIOS segue os seguintes passos:

1) Independente do tipo de nó, é verificado o conteúdo do cache no nome NetBIOS local, que pode ser visualizado com o comando nbtstat -c, caso o nome esteja no cache, a resolução estará concluída.
2) Caso o nome não esteja no cache, este passo dependerá do tipo de nó vigente. Para sistemas com configurações H e P, o servidor WINS configurado será pesquisado. Já sistemas com configurações M e B, será enviado uma solicitação de resolução via broadcast no segmento local.
3) Caso a pesquisa ao servidor WINS falhe, e o broadcast também, o nó H enviará um broadcast no seguimento local para a resolução do nome, enquanto o nó M tentará algum servidor WINS.
4) Caso cada um dos passos acima falhe para o tipo de nó especificado, você poderá ainda configurar os servidores de WINS para utilizar o DNS ou o LMHosts.
5) Caso todos os passos acima tenham falhado, você receberá uma mensagem avisando que o caminho da rede não foi encontrado.

Sessões de NetBIOS são estabelecidas entre dois nomes. Por exemplo, quando uma estação Windows faz uma conexão para acessar arquivos compartilhado em um servidor que usa NetBIOS em cima do protocolo TCP/IP, a conexão se processa da seguinte forma:

1) O nome NetBIOS resolve o nome transformando em um endereço de IP.
2) O endereço de IP é solucionado por um controle de acesso por meio de endereço.
3) Uma conexão de TCP/IP é estabelecida da estação para o servidor, usando, a porta TCP 139.
4) A estação envia um pedido de sessão NetBIOS ao nome de servidor em cima da conexão de TCP/IP. Se o servidor está escutando naquele nome, responde afirmativamente, e uma sessão é estabelecida.

Quando a sessão de NetBIOS é estabelecida, a estação e o servidor negociam qual nível do protocolo SMB vão usar. Redes Microsoft usam só uma sessão de NetBIOS a qualquer hora entre a conexão de dois nomes.

NetBIOS Keep-alives é usado para verificar se a sessão que a estação e servidor abriram, podem ser mantidas. Então, se a estação está fechando, o servidor limpa a conexão e recursos associados eventualmente ou vice-versa. NetBIOS Keep-alives é controlado pelo parâmetro SessionKeepAlive do registro do Windows.

Datagramas são enviados de um nome para outro em cima do protocolo UDP, na porta 138. O serviço de datagramas pode enviar uma mensagem a um nome único ou para um nome de grupo. Nomes de grupo podem solucionar a uma lista de endereços IPs ou uma difusão. É nesse método, que uma única mensagem, pode ser enviada a um grupo de trabalho ou Domínio Windows.

Para que haja conexão em um recurso da rede usando um nome NetBIOS, normalmente são usados um dos comandos abaixo:

1) Net use * \\NomeNetbios\recurso. (existe a necessidade de resolução do nomes NetBIOS)

2) Net use * \\EndereçoIP\recurso. (com o número IP, a necessidade de resolução de nomes NetBIOS já não existe mais, embora o método seja o mesmo)

3) Net use * \\FQDN\recurso. (com FQDN “Nome de domínio completamente qualificado”, existe a necessidade do uso de um DNS, no qual, o nome será resolvido para um endereço IP. O método, ainda continua sendo o mesmo)

O utilitário IPCONFIG imprime a configuração TCP/IP relacionada a máquina. Quando se usa o parâmetro /all, o utilitário produz um relatório de configuração detalhado para todas as interfaces e inclui qualquer configuração. Digite o comando abaixo no prompt de comandos:

Nota.: Esse comando está presente nos Windows 98/ME/NT/2000.

Internet Networking

Como Funciona um ISP

Qualquer pessoa ou empresa pode ser provedor de acesso Internet no Brasil. Não existe nenhuma legislação que impeça ou que exija certificação técnica.
O que o provedor precisa para funcionar?

    Servidores de Acesso (computadores conectados a linhas telefônicas) que recebem as chamadas dos usuários.

    Rádios que conectam o Provedor à Internet e por onde passam as informações do usuário após conectado.

    Servidores (Computadores e softwares) para armazenar os sistemas que permitem toda a operação:

    cadastramento de usuários (para autenticação do usuário),

    servidor de e-mail (correio eletrônico),

    servidor de web (hospedagem de páginas),

    servidor de chat (bate papo on line)

    servidores de segurança (secure Site Server)

    servidores de comércio eletrônico

    Firewall (sistema de segurança contra invasões)

    Softwares diversos de controle da operação


    Para atender as chamadas dos usuários. O provedor tem de Ter contratada da Operadora local, um número de linhas suficiente para o atendimento de chamadas simultâneas. A relação atual é de cerca de 1 (linha): por cada 12 usuários.

    Os provedores pagam pela instalação de tais linhas e mensalmente pagam como usuário comum. Detalhe – atualmente em S. Paulo as linhas fornecidas para os provedores, em feixes de 30 linhas, só podem ser usadas unidirecionalmente para receber chamadas, embora se pague o preço de linha comum bidirecional.

    Quando o usuário é conectado, após a identificação, o mesmo entra numa rede que lhe permite ficar nos servidores do provedor, ou sair para visitar outros sites espalhados pelo mundo.

    Dependendo do número de clientes do provedor que possam estar em simultaneo acessando, a banda ou link tem de ser compatíveis para não gerar lentidão na rede.

    Para que tal seja técnicamente possível, o provedor tem de contratar da Embratel uma conexão de serviço Internet (internacional) dedicada .

    Tal conexão, no Brasil só pode ser adquirida da Embratel e o seu preço, se comparado com os preços internacionais, por exemplo nos USA, chega a custar 8 vezes mais cara no Brasil.


    Praticamente todos os provedores no Brasil hoje oferecem suporte técnico de atendimento ao cliente via telefone ou fax.

    São equipes que funcionam 24 horas por dia em 4 turnos.


    Todo o provedor ao se constituir em empresa com o objetivo de prover acesso à Internet tem de estabelecer equipes técnicas, – desenvolvimento, manutenção, atendimento, segurança, etc.

    Equipes administrativas capazes de cuidar do faturamento dos serviços a clientes, com cobrança bancária ou através de cartão de crédito realizam essas operações diáriamente.

    É necessário esclarecer que todo o processo que permite presatr serviço de acesso à Internet exige a manutenção de sistemas de back-up e sistemas redundantes para evitar perdas de prestação de serviço por parte de clientes.


    O provedor de acesso na busca da angariação de clientes despende gastos com marketing e publicidade. A manutenção desse cliente num cenário de alta competição exige a prestação de serviço de alta qualidade no caminho da fidelização do cliente.

    O serviço prestado pelos provedores é um alavancador do tráfego de telefonia gerado . Empresas de telecomunicações cobram pelo tempo de utilização das linhas telefonicas.


    Primeiro vamos analisar o que acontece com o acesso grátis em outros países:

    Na Inglaterra:

    Existem na Inglaterra dezenas de operadoras de telefonia, pois se trata de um mercado aberto.

    Existem centenas de provedores de Internet

    Os serviços prestados por cada uma das especialidades são, naturalmente distintos:

    As operadoras prestam serviço de telecomunicações e cobram pelo tempo que o usuário utiliza.

    Os provedores adicionam serviço de valor adicionado (suporte técnico, e-mail, web hosting, chat, segurança, etc.) e cobram esses serviços do usuário. Não cobram o acesso e sim apenas os serviços, por isso é chamado de acesso gratuito.

    Entretanto os provedores são disputados pelas operadoras que querem o trafego telefônico gerado pelos clientes desses Provedores. Como existem várias peradoras existe uma real competição que força a baixa de preços.

    clique aqui para ver o arquivo .doc


    Artigo completo AQUI

  • Networking


    O RAS se conecta à companhia telefônica local através de um linha E1, e ao switch Ethernet local. Quando os usuários fazem uma chamada para se conectar ao provedor , o RAS responderá a chamada com um de seus modems. Após conectar o usuário, o RAS pegará os pacotes IP e os enviará para a Internet.
    O RAS opera da seguinte maneira:

    1. Um usuário disca o número do telefone de acesso do ISP usando seu modem e o RAS responde a ligação através de um modem.
    2. Após conectar os modems, inicia-se uma sessão PPP entre o usuário e o RAS.
    3. Através do PPP, o RAS obtém o nome de usuário e a senha.
    4. O RAS pesquisa um servidor RADIUS e autentica o usuário.
    5. Sendo um usuário válido, o RAS lança automaticamente um endereço IP para o usuário e termina a configuração da conexão. O usuário está pronto para navegar pela Internet e enviar e-mails.
    Internet Networking


    O Radius (Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service) é um sistema de autenticação de utilizadores
    RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial In User Service) – Serviço de autenticação remota de usuários discados. É o protocolo de autenticação, onde um cliente, como por exemplo um RAS, requer ao servidor RADIUS a validação de um usuário. Os nomes de usuários e senhas, assim como parametros adicionais são mantidos em um banco de dados centralizado. O registrador RADIUS rastrea as transações de autorização e autenticação e captura as estatísticas de cada sessão. Existem muitos servidores RADIUS gratuitos disponíveis na Web, e muitos sistemas tarifadores ISP incorporam suporte a RADIUS em seus pacotes.
    Radius is a protocol used by Remote Access Server‘s for user Authentication. User Credentials are forwarded to a Radius server, which in turn manages a Credentials database. It is the Radius server, rather than individual Remote Access Server‘s, which carries out Authentication.
    This delegation of the Authentication process allows users to have a single set of Credentials across all Remote Access Server‘s, and perhaps to use the same credentials on some host Operating System, such as Unix or NetWare.
    Unlike TACACS, Radius is an encrypted protocol, and supports the encrypted exchange of Credentials between the remote end-user and the Authentication Server.


    Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR)

    A Better Solution: Eliminate Address Classes
    It was clear that as long as there were only three sizes of networks, the allocation efficiency problem could never be properly rectified. The solution was to get rid of the classes completely, in favor of a classless allocation scheme. This system would solve both of the main problems with “classful� addressing: inefficient address space use, and the exponential growth of routing tables.

    The idea behind CIDR is to adapt the concept of subnetting a single network to the entire internet. In essence, then, classless addressing means that instead of breaking a particular network into subnets, we can aggregate networks into larger “supernets�. CIDR is sometimes called supernetting for this reason: it applies the principles of subnetting to larger networks. It is this aggregation of networks into supernets that allowed CIDR to resolve the problem of growing Internet routing tables.

    Of course, if we are going to apply subnetting concepts to the entire internet, we need to be able to have subnets of different sizes. After all, that’s one of our primary goals in eliminating the classes. So, more accurately, CIDR is an internet-wide application of not regular one-level subnetting, but of Variable Length Subnet Masking (VLSM). Just as VLSM lets us split a network as many times as we want to create subnets, “sub-subnetsâ€? and “sub-sub-subnetsâ€?, CIDR lets us do this with the entire Internet, as many times as needed.

    mais info

    Notação standard

    A notação standard para o intervalo de endereços CIDR começa com o endereço de rede (na direita com o número apropriado de bits com valor zero – até 4 octetos para IPv4, e até campos hexadecimais de 8 octetos de 16 bits para IPv6). Isto é seguido por um carácter e comprimento de um prefixo, em bits, definindo o tamanho da rede em questão (o prefixo é, na verdade, o comprimento da máscara de subrede).
    Por exemplo:

    • /24 representa os 256    endereços IPv4    de até inclusive, com sendo o    endereço de broadcast para a rede.
    • /22 representa os 1024    endereços IPv4    de até inclusive, com sendo o    endereço de broadcast para a rede.
    • 2002:C0A8::/48 representa os endereços    IPv6 de    2002:C0A8:0:0:0:0:0:0 até 2002:C0A8:0:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF, inclusive.

    Para o IPv4, uma representação alternativa usa o endereço de rede seguido da máscara de subrede, escrito na forma decimal com pontos:

    • /24 pode ser escrito    como
    • /22 pode ser escrito    como

    mais info


    Endereçamento IP

    IP Address Class Network and Host Capacities

    IP Address Class Total # Of Bits For

    Network ID / Host ID

    First Octet of IP Address # Of Network ID Bits Used

    To Identify Class

    Usable # Of Network ID


    Number of Possible Network


    # Of Host IDs Per Network


    Class A

    8 / 24



    1 8-1 = 7 27-2 = 126

    224-2 =




    16 /




    2 16-2

    = 14


    = 16,384

    216-2 =




    24 /




    3 24-3

    = 21


    = 2,097,152


    = 254

    • Se o 1º bit é um “0”, trata-se de um endereço Classe A

    • Se o 2º bit é um “0”, trata-se de um endereço Classe B

    • Se o 3º bit é um “0”, trata-se de um endereço Classe C

    • Se o 4º bit é um “0”, trata-se de um endereço Classe D, (metade do restante, ou um décima sexta do espaço de endereço.) Se for um “1”, é um endereço da classe E. (a outra metade, um décima sexta.)

    IP Address Class First Octet of IP Address



    Value of First Octet (binary)

    Highest Value of First

    Octet (binary)

    Range of First Octet

    Values (decimal)

    Octets in Network ID /

    Host ID

    Theoretical IP Address


    Class A

    0xxx xxxx

    0000 0001

    0111 1110

    1 to


    1 / 3




    10xx xxxx

    1000 0000

    1011 1111


    to 191

    2 / 2




    110x xxxx

    1100 0000

    1101 1111


    to 223

    3 / 1




    1110 xxxx

    1110 0000

    1110 1111


    to 239 to



    1111 xxxx

    1111 0000

    1111 1111


    to 255 to

    IP Address Classes and Class Characteristics and Uses

    IP Address Class Fraction of Total IP

    Address Space

    Number Of Network ID Bits Number Of Host ID Bits Intended Use
    Class A 1/2 8 24 Unicast addressing for

    very large organizations with hundreds

    of thousands or millions of hosts to connect to the Internet.



    1/4 16 16 Unicast addressing for

    medium-to-large organizations with many

    hundreds to thousands of hosts to connect to the Internet.



    1/8 24 8 Unicast addressing for

    smaller organizations with no more than

    about 250 hosts to connect to the




    1/16 n/a n/a IP multicasting.


    1/16 n/a n/a Reserved for “experimental use�.

    mais info aqui