Author Archives: admin

Query to list number of records in each table in a database

SELECT SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) AS [SchemaName],
[Tables].name AS [TableName],
SUM([Partitions].[rows]) AS [TotalRowCount]
FROM sys.tables AS [Tables]
JOIN sys.partitions AS [Partitions]
ON [Tables].[object_id] = [Partitions].[object_id]
AND [Partitions].index_id IN ( 0, 1 )
-- WHERE [Tables].name = N'name of the table'
GROUP BY SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id), [Tables].name;

Problems with mail flow after changing email certificate

Problems sending email from onpremises to Office 365 accounts in hybrid environment.


When configuring a hybrid deployment, you must use and configure certificates that you have purchased from a trusted third-party CA.

 To check if the issue is related to the certificate part, please manually remove the previously created hybrid connectors both in the on-premises Exchange server and Office 365, re-run the HCW (Hybrid Configuration Wizard) to re-create these connectors using the new certificate, then check if the messages can be delivered.

Remote App error

Error message:”The computer can’t verify the identity of the RD Gateway. It’s not safe to connect to servers that can’t be identified.”

Are you getting the error code: “The computer computer can’t verify the identity of the RD Gateway. It’s not safe to connect to servers that can’t be identified”? You most likely setup Remote Desktop Web Access (RDweb) with a self signed certificated.

The reason why you are getting this error is your machine doesn’t trust and can’t verify the identity of the RD Gateway.

To allow your machine to trust the RD Gateway and get RD Web Access working you will need to import the Cert from the website and put it into the “Trusted Root Certification Authorities” store

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Register in IIS 10

run as admin

C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319>dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:IIS-ASPNET45

might need to enable this extensions:

C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319/dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:IIS-ApplicationDevelopment
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319/dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:IIS-ISAPIFilter
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319/dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:IIS-ISAPIExtensions
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319/dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:IIS-NetFxExtensibility45

C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319/dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:IIS-ASPNET45

Using PowerShell To List All Users Password Expiration Date

get-aduser -filter * -properties passwordlastset, passwordneverexpires |ft Name, passwordlastset, Passwordneverexpires

export to csv


 get-aduser -filter * -Properties passwordlastset, passwordneverexpires, displayName,Enabled,givenName,sn,distinguishedname,mail,mailnickname,mobile,telephoneNumber,facsimileTelephoneNumber,title | select displayName,passwordlastset, Passwordneverexpires, Enabled,givenName,sn,distinguishedname,mail,mailnickname,mobile,telephoneNumber,facsimileTelephoneNumber,title | export-csv "c:\20190904_ADUsers4.csv" -NoTypeInformation

Enable/disable firewall from command line

psexec \\pcname netssh firewall set opmode disable

Get PsTools:

more info:

Enable/disable firewall from command line

Tamanho máximo de upload


    <httpRuntime maxRequestLength="1048576"/>
        <requestLimits maxAllowedContentLength="1073741824" />

set to 1 gigabyte

maxAllowedContentLength -> bytes;
maxRequestLength -> kilobytes.

Use the Exchange Management Shell to set up mail forwarding

This example delivers email to the mailbox of Douglas Kohn and, at the same time, forwards all mail sent to Douglas Kohn to

Set-Mailbox -Identity "Douglas Kohn" -DeliverToMailboxAndForward $true -ForwardingSMTPAddress ""

This example forwards all email sent to the mailbox of Ken Sanchez, an employee of Contoso Suites, to one of his coworkers,

Set-Mailbox -Identity "Ken Sanchez" -ForwardingSMTPAddress ""

For detailed syntax and parameter information, see Set-Mailbox.

-ForwardingsmtpAddress to multiple addresses Shell script

The parameter “ForwardingSmtpAddress” only allow to setup one SMTP address.
To work around this issue, you can setup the mailbox forwarding to a distribution group, you need to add the users you want to forward message to this distribution group.


on office365 account, go to > outlook > definitions





Set-Mailbox "email xpto" -ForwardingAddress $NULL -ForwardingSmtpAddress $NULL

How to get different SQL Server date formats

Below is a list of formats and an example of the output.  The date used for all of these examples is “2006-12-30 00:38:54.840”.

Format # Query Sample
1 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 1) 12/30/06
2 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 2) 06.12.30
3 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 3) 30/12/06
4 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 4) 30.12.06
5 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 5) 30-12-06
6 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 6) 30 Dec 06
7 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 7) Dec 30, 06
10 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 10) 12-30-06
11 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 11) 06/12/30
12 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 12) 061230
23 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 23) 2006-12-30
101 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 101) 12/30/2006
102 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 102) 2006.12.30
103 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 103) 30/12/2006
104 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 104) 30.12.2006
105 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 105) 30-12-2006
106 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 106) 30 Dec 2006
107 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 107) Dec 30, 2006
110 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 110) 12-30-2006
111 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 111) 2006/12/30
112 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 112) 20061230
8 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 8) 00:38:54
14 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 14) 00:38:54:840
24 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 24) 00:38:54
108 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 108) 00:38:54
114 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 114) 00:38:54:840
0 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 0) Dec 12 2006 12:38AM
9 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 9) Dec 30 2006 12:38:54:840AM
13 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 13) 30 Dec 2006 00:38:54:840AM
20 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 20) 2006-12-30 00:38:54
21 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 21) 2006-12-30 00:38:54.840
22 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 22) 12/30/06 12:38:54 AM
25 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 25) 2006-12-30 00:38:54.840
100 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 100) Dec 30 2006 12:38AM
109 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 109) Dec 30 2006 12:38:54:840AM
113 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 113) 30 Dec 2006 00:38:54:840
120 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 120) 2006-12-30 00:38:54
121 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 121) 2006-12-30 00:38:54.840
126 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 126) 2006-12-30T00:38:54.840
127 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 127) 2006-12-30T00:38:54.840
130 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 130) 10 ?? ????? 1427 12:38:54:840A
131 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 131) 10/12/1427 12:38:54:840AM

You can also format the date or time without dividing characters, as well as concatenate the date and time string:

Sample statement Output
select replace(convert(varchar, getdate(),101),’/’,”) 12302006
select replace(convert(varchar, getdate(),101),’/’,”) + replace(convert(varchar, getdate(),108),’:’,”) 12302006004426

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Follow steps:

  • Download:
  • Open Powershell as administrator and run Import-Module 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Virtual Machine Converter\MvmcCmdlet.psd1'
  • And after ConvertTo-MvmcVirtualHardDisk -SourceLiteralPath
    d:\scratch\vmx\VM-disk1.vmdk -VhdType DynamicHardDisk -VhdFormat vhdx
    -destination c:\vm-disk1

If you counter following error:

ConvertTo-MvmcVirtualHardDisk : The entry 1 is not a supported disk database entry for the descriptor.

In my case it was entry 4

Follow these steps:

  1. download and extract dsfok tools
  2. use dsfo.exe "c:\temp\disk2.vmdk" 512 1024 descriptor1.txt to extract the descriptor
  3. edit the descriptor file in Notepad++: comment the above mentioned line (as I added the extra single character (#) I also deleted one NULL character from the end to keep the file size of 1024 bytes (not sure if this is needed).
  4. use dsfi.exe "c:\temp\disk2.vmdk" 512 1024 descriptor1.txt to inject the descriptor back into the VMDK
  5. repeat these steps for the other disk (my VM has two .vmdk files)
  6. reissue the ConvertTo-MvmcVirtualHardDisk command



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Yes, you can! Convert VMDK to VHD with these tools