Use the Exchange Management Shell to set up mail forwarding

This example delivers email to the mailbox of Douglas Kohn and, at the same time, forwards all mail sent to Douglas Kohn to

Set-Mailbox -Identity "Douglas Kohn" -DeliverToMailboxAndForward $true -ForwardingSMTPAddress ""

This example forwards all email sent to the mailbox of Ken Sanchez, an employee of Contoso Suites, to one of his coworkers,

Set-Mailbox -Identity "Ken Sanchez" -ForwardingSMTPAddress ""

For detailed syntax and parameter information, see Set-Mailbox.

-ForwardingsmtpAddress to multiple addresses Shell script

The parameter “ForwardingSmtpAddress” only allow to setup one SMTP address.
To work around this issue, you can setup the mailbox forwarding to a distribution group, you need to add the users you want to forward message to this distribution group.


on office365 account, go to > outlook > definitions





Set-Mailbox "email xpto" -ForwardingAddress $NULL -ForwardingSmtpAddress $NULL

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