Category Archives: Exchange

Exchange Microsoft

Exchange 2013 not receiving external emails

Backpressure,  check for free space on the disks.


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Exchange Microsoft Office365

Remote Server returned ‘550 5.1.8 Access denied, bad outbound sender

Remote Server returned ‘550 5.1.8 Access denied, bad outbound sender’


Non-Office 365 user use this (self-service delisting portal) to remove themselves from the blocked senders list.

Office 365 user, as an admin you can unblock your blocked Office 365 email account via using Exchange admin center.

• Go to the EAC, navigate to protection > action center.
• Select the Search icon and enter the SMTP address of the blocked user.
• Click Unblock Account in the description pane.
• Click Yes to confirm the change.

For more detailed information, please refer to the article: Removing a user, domain, or IP address from a block list after sending spam email

Exchange Microsoft

421 4.4.2 message submission rate for this client has exceeded the configured limit

Solved after run the command Set-receiveconnector “Server Name\Client Connector” -Messageratelimit 100.

Exchange Tutorials

550 5.7.1 Message rejected as spam by Content Filtering

Content Filtering has been enabled on the recipients’ mail server. This configuration is incompatible with GFI MailEssentials when installed as a relay server, all email filtering should happen on the relay server. For more information on Content Filtering and how to disable it, please see the following:

If the mail server is Microsoft Exchange 2013 and 2016 server:

If the mail server is Microsoft Exchange 2010 server:

If the mail server is Microsoft Exchange 2007 server:

Exchange Microsoft PowerShell

Enable antispam functionality on Mailbox servers

Applies to: Exchange Server 2016

Topic Last Modified: 2016-03-28

Use the Install-AntispamAgents.ps1 PowerShell script to install and enable the built-in Exchange antispam agents on a Mailbox server.

The following antispam agents are available in the Transport service on Exchange 2016 Mailbox servers, but they aren’t installed by default:

  • Content Filter agent
  • Sender Filter agent
  • Sender ID agent
  • Protocol Analysis agent for sender reputation

You can install these antispam agents on a Mailbox server by using an Exchange Management Shell script, which is important if these agents are your only defense to help prevent spam. Typically, you don’t need to install the antispam agents on a Mailbox server when your organization uses other types of antispam filtering on incoming mail.

Although the Recipient Filter agent is available on Mailbox servers, you shouldn’t configure it. When recipient filtering on a Mailbox server detects one invalid or blocked recipient in a message that contains other valid recipients, the message is rejected. The Recipient Filter agent is enabled when you install the antispam agents on a Mailbox server, but it isn’t configured to block any recipients. For more information, see Recipient filtering procedures on Edge Transport servers.
  • Estimated time to complete this task: 15 minutes
  • You can only use PowerShell to perform this procedure. To learn how to open the Exchange Management Shell in your on-premises Exchange organization, see Open the Exchange Management Shell.
  • The Connection Filtering agent and the Attachment Filtering agent aren’t available on Mailbox servers. They’re only available on Edge Transport servers, and they’re installed and enabled there by default. However, the Malware agent is installed and enabled by default on Mailbox servers. For more information, see Anti-malware protection.
  • If you have other Exchange antispam agents operating on the messages before they reach the Mailbox server (for example, an Edge Transport server in the perimeter network), the antispam agents on the Mailbox server recognize the antispam X-header values that already exist in messages, and those messages pass through without being scanned again.
  • You need to be assigned permissions before you can perform this procedure or procedures. To see what permissions you need, see the “Transport configuration” entry in the Mail flow permissions topic.
  • For information about keyboard shortcuts that may apply to the procedures in this topic, see Keyboard shortcuts in the Exchange admin center.


Having problems? Ask for help in the Exchange forums. Visit the forums at: Exchange Server, Exchange Online, or Exchange Online Protection.

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Code Snippets Exchange PowerShell

Turn Exchange Anonymous Relay On or Off or View Connector Status

This EMS script for Exchange 2007-2016 allows Exchange Administrators to toggle anonymous external relay permissions on front-end Receive Connectors. Connectors listed in Yellow allow anonymous SMTP emails to any internal or external recipients. Connectors listed in White only



Toggle External Relay

1 - SRV-EXCH2\Client Frontend EXSERVER1
2 - SRV-EXCH2\Default Frontend EXSERVER1
3 - SRV-EXCH2\Outbound Proxy Frontend EXSERVER1
X - Exit

Which Receive Connector to toggle:

This EMS script for Exchange 2007-2016 allows Exchange Administrators to toggle anonymous external relay permissions on front-end Receive Connectors. Connectors listed in Yellow allow anonymous SMTP emails to any internal or external recipients. Connectors listed in White only allow SMTP emails to internal recipients. Run this script from the Exchange Management Shell.

See my blog for more information:

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Exchange Office365 Tips & tricks

Emails between O365 and On-premises do not work

Error message: 451 4.4.0 Primary target IP address responded with: “451 5.7.3 Must issue a STARTTLS commnd first” Office 365 Hybrid

In some scenarios you might need to, in your firewall:   Disable Content Inspection with TLS


more about in:

Exchange Tips & tricks

Exchange 2010 Database size

  1. Review the Purge items from the Recoverable Items folder. For details, see Clean Up the Recoverable Items Folder.
  2. Yes ESEutil /D is the command
  3. Safe?  Yes relatively, however, that said
    1. before you ever run any type of utility against an Exchange database you should back it up just in case something goes sideways.
    2. you will need 110% of the EDB size to perform the defrag and
    3. during the time its being defragged ALL users for that database will be unable to connect.
  4. Time, well this depends upon many factors, i.e. CPU, Disk Speed, Memory, other processes etc.  Basically I would plan to spend at least a full day on it.  But whatever you do you need to be patient because it does take time to complete.
  5. Personally I think you would be better off to create a NEW database and use the New-MoveRequest so check out these two articles and since these will allow you to keep the system up and running while the data is being moved, however it does require more disk space until the process is done and then you can drop the old DB to gain all the space back.

Code Snippets Exchange Microsoft PowerShell

Export to CSV all your Exchange 2007/2010 Email Addresses

If you want to export all your users email addresses to a CSV so you can see who has which alias you can do this with this Power Shell Command

Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited
|Select-Object DisplayName,ServerName,PrimarySmtpAddress, @{Name=“EmailAddresses”;Expression={$_.EmailAddresses
|Where-Object {$_.PrefixString -ceq “smtp”}
| ForEach-Object {$_.SmtpAddress}}}
| Export-CSV c:\smtp.csv -NoTypeInformation

I have wrapped it here so just paste it in to Power Shell to run and this will show the Primary Email address and then all the alias addresses.

Exchange Microsoft

Enable auth login on smtp server exchange 2010

2 errors can happen:

a) “504 5.7.4 Unrecognized authentication type”
And, after was resolved, (b) happened:
b) “550 5.7.1 Client does not have permission to send as this sender”

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