N2 is a Content Management System for ASP.NET 2.0. It’s modern, free and includes all source code.

I think N2 proposes an unusually nice model when creating content-enabled web 2.0 sites. The main feature is a developer-friendly way to define and encapsulate content data.

N2 wants to provide a solid, extendable and user friendly content management engine and edit interface. No templates or implementations are included (except examples).

Target audience
N2 is a tool for developers who need a CMS when building sites for organizations and small businesses.


  • Type safe access of content data through custom classes. N2 promotes a domain centric content model.
  • Easy-to-use editor interface – all the usual stuff (create, edit, delete, copy/paste, versioning, file upload) is built in and there’s a plugin system when that isn’t enough.
  • Compact design – should be easy to get started with as long as you’re into object oriented programming and asp.net.
  • Extendable – NHibernate and it’s polymorphism features are used for content persistance
  • Clean database (two 3 tables) containing only content data. Types and constraints are defined with attributes in source code.
  • Non-intrusive – supports a clean separation between view and edit (N2 is just a convenient way to insert and retrieve content).
  • Friendly URLs & multiple domains.
  • Leverages on ASP.NET 2.0 standards and concepts.



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