Combining Autodesk License Files

Supported by: Flex LM and all Autodesk Products

This tip is for the CAD Managers and IT people who maintain Autodesk’s Licence Manager; Flex LM.

Your current licence manager has just one product to manage eg: 4 seats of Autodesk Inventor Professional 9 and your Marketing department has just purchased 2 new seats of Autodesk VIZ 2005 and he wants it to be added to your current licence manager so that the licences can be shared throughout the various departments within your company. So, your question is how do we merge the new VIZ 2005 licence with the existing licence file?

NOTE: I have chosen AIP9 and VIZ 2005 for this example, however, this process is to be used for all Autodesk products.

1. Start LMTOOLS and stop the service.

2. Using Notepad, open your current licence file. Below is an example of the current licence file for 4 seats of Autodesk Inventor Professional 9.

SERVER Hostname MAC_Address
VENDOR adskflex port=2080
INCREMENT 46400INVBUN_9_0F adskflex 1.000 permanent 4 \
INCREMENT 46400INVBUN_9_0F adskflex 1.000 permanent 4 \
ISSUED=15-Jul-2004 SN=XXX-XXXXXXXX SIGN=”04E7 2142 D6D8 E45A \
98D8 CF44 EE1A 2D04 B313 E899 28ED D6AB BB5E 6B6E 913E 05E8 \
0ECC 8AD7 4A72 64C1 220C A697 ABE0 B582 FDE0 9216 FC3F 9762 \
50FE FAE2″ SIGN2=”1AF1 7D5B 34AB 8D4D 0B6F 8255 34D0 37B3 DF24 \
6DE9 445C F934 5E4C 51F1 7533 1BD0 041D 40A3 352E B2A1 00C1 \
3D6C A789 AFF8 4D9F C4CD C0B4 C6AA 3C2D CC53″

3. Again using Notepad, open your new licence file. Below is an example of the new licence file for 2 seats of Autodesk VIZ 2005.

SERVER Hostname MAC_Address
VENDOR adskflex port=2080
INCREMENT 47800VIZ_2005_0F adskflex 1.000 permanent 2 \

4. In the new licence file, select and copy the entire file starting from the word “INCREMENT” to the end of the file.

5. Paste this line into the existing licence file on the very next line. See below an example of the merged licence files.

SERVER Hostname MAC_Address

VENDOR adskflex port=2080
INCREMENT 46400INVBUN_9_0F adskflex 1.000 permanent 4 \

ISSUED=15-Jul-2004 SN=XXX-XXXXXXXX SIGN=”04E7 2142 D6D8 E45A \
98D8 CF44 EE1A 2D04 B313 E899 28ED D6AB BB5E 6B6E 913E 05E8 \
0ECC 8AD7 4A72 64C1 220C A697 ABE0 B582 FDE0 9216 FC3F 9762 \
50FE FAE2″ SIGN2=”1AF1 7D5B 34AB 8D4D 0B6F 8255 34D0 37B3 DF24 \
6DE9 445C F934 5E4C 51F1 7533 1BD0 041D 40A3 352E B2A1 00C1 \
3D6C A789 AFF8 4D9F C4CD C0B4 C6AA 3C2D CC53″
INCREMENT 47800VIZ_2005_0F adskflex 1.000 permanent 2 \

6. Save the changes to the licence file and close both notepad windows.

7. In LMTOOLS, start the service again.

Your licence manager is now managing 2 Autodesk products; 4 seats of AIP9 and 2 seats of VIZ 2005.


1. To check that both products have started correctly, click the ‘View Log…’ button on the ‘Config Services’ tab within LMTools. There should be a line or two stating the following information, if not call Envision Solutions for support.

XX:XX:XX (adskflex) Server started on Hostname for: 46400INVBUN_9_0F
XX:XX:XX (adskflex) 47800VIZ_2005_0F

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