Setup Autoresponder In Outlook

Email auto-responder is always a good choice when you’re out of office or home, especially during summer vacation season. Let’s find out how to setup it in Outlook.

To setup auto-responder you should create the message that will be used for auto-reply first. Run Outlook and start creating a new message by entering the subject and body text. Optionally, add Cc and/or Bcc addresses to send copies of automatic replies. Then go to the File > Save As, give a name to your message and save it as Outlook Template (*.oft).

Now let’s setup auto-responder rule. In the main Outlook windows go to the Tools > Rules and Alerts… and create an New Rule… From the Start from a blank rule section select Check messages when they arrive. Proceed to the next step. You can live all the checkboxes unchecked to send auto-reply to all incoming messages. Or you can check where my name is in the To box checkbox (why reply on spam, right?). Click Next and check reply using a specific template in the next window. Under Edit the rule description click on a specific template. In the appeared window select User Template in File System from the Look In combo-box and locate and open the template you have created before. Click Next. In the next window check Except if it is an Out of Office message to not to reply on others auto-responder messages. Click Next and give a name for this rule. Make sure Turn on this rule is checked. Optionally check Create this rule on all accounts (note that this filter won’t work for HTTP account like Hortmail etc.) Click Finish and OK. And also do not forget to backup Outlook rules.


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