Graffiti CMS

Creating and maintaining a site has never been easier. Graffiti CMS allows you to quickly publish and maintain dynamic content Web sites with little or no knowledge of Web programming.

Reaons to fall in love with Graffiti:

1. “It can’t be this easy to setup”

Graffiti’s install takes less than 4 minutes. This is all you need:

  1. Make sure your host meets the necessary requirements (IIS and .NET).
  2. Unzip the package you downloaded.
  3. Upload all the files to your Web host.

No sweat!

2. No Comp-Sci degree required

Graffiti is built for everyday people. You don’t even have to know how to program your DVR to use it!

Now we did realize that designers would want to customize how Graffiti looks. So we decided to introduce a neutral programming concept we call Chalk. Chalk is a simple templating language that gives both designers and developers the ability to customize how content is shown without requiring them to read a 500 lb. book on programming.

Yes, Graffiti is built on .NET. And truth be told, any good developer can make either PHP or ASP.NET code perform. However, we think there are better tools and more long-term advantages in Microsoft’s platform. So for developers familiar with ASP.NET, Graffiti’s full power and capability are readily available to you.

3. Flow with the work

Graffiti enables just enough workflow. By “just enough,” we mean that workflow is available if you want to use it, but workflow isn’t required. The workflow concepts in Graffiti revolve around content creators, content managers, and site managers. Content creators create the content, content managers publish the content, and site managers control how content is presented.

Simple enough?

Best of all, workflow is something that you can choose to use. You’re never forced into anything.

4. Content Made Simple

Graffiti keeps track of all changes to your content and who made the changes. Want to see exactly what has changed or need to roll back to a previous version? No problem!

We’ve tried to skim the top of traditional content management and blogging and blend them together.

5. Fall in Love at First Site

Graffiti helps you build beautiful sites–the kind you fall in love with. Graffiti comes with built-in themes for you to use but also gives you the flexibility to create, install, and share new ones.. The theme of your Graffiti site can be managed from within the control panel, from the file system, or edited with any text editor. Once you’ve decided on a theme, you have the option to customize each and every page of your site. With drag and drop control of the navigation and implementation of content widgets, Graffiti provides simple, yet robust control over the look and feel of your site.

6. Crazy Search Engine Kung-Fu

We put a lot of effort into ensuring that Graffiti is optimized for search engines. Whether it’s search engine friendly URLs, smart redirects, or properly structured content, you’ll find that Graffiti was built to help people locate your content with ease.

7. Stress-free and built by super-geeks

Graffiti CMS is built by Telligent, the same folks behind Community Server. You know the product–that kick-ass community platform that companies like Microsoft and use!

Community Server was one of the first robust, multi-user blogging/community platforms available in the marketplace. We’ve got an 80+ person team that does nothing but eat, live, and breathe social software. More importantly, our team of experts works everyday to help customers build and grow successful communities.

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