Terminal Services Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcut Function
Alt+Del Displays the active application’s Control menu.
Alt+Home Opens the Windows Start menu within the client session.
Alt+Page Down Cycles (from right to left) through the current taskbar programs.
Alt+Page Up Cycles (from left to right) through the current taskbar programs.
Ctrl+Alt+Break Toggles the client session between windowed and full-screen modes.
Ctrl+Alt+End Opens the Windows Security dialog box, similar to pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del on the local workstation’s keyboard.
Ctrl+Alt+Ins Cycles through the current taskbar programs in the order in which the user started them.
Ctrl+Alt+Plus (+) Copies a snapshot of the entire client-session desktop area to the clipboard, similar to pressing Print Screen on the local workstation’s keyboard.
Ctrl+Alt+Minus (-) Copies a snapshot of the active client window to the clipboard, similar to pressing Alt+Print Screen on the local workstation’s keyboard.

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