Projecto MONO

Mono_Logo 02O que é?

Mono oferece o software necessário para desenvolver e correr aplicações cliente e servidor .NET, em Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X, Windows e UNIX.

Patrocinado pela Novell (, o projecto Open Source MONO é apoiado por uma entusiaste e activa comunidade de programadores.


Apache Hosting with Mod_Mono

The mod_mono Apache module is used to run ASP.NET applications within the Apache ( web server. Mod_mono is available from our download page. Or you can download the latest version from our svn repository, the module name is mod_mono.

The module allows Apache to serve ASP.NET pages by proxying the requests to an outside Mono process named mod-mono-server. Work is in progress to make mod_mono work with Apache on Windows. If the package for your distribution does not include a INSTALL file with instructions on how to set up mod_mono, you can see browse the file from the Anonymous SVN ( repository.

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