Category Archives: HTML


Infographic: HTML5 and Why Developers Need It

Infographic: HTML5 and Why Developers Need It

HTML5 Infographic by Ignite UI Infragistics Jquery Controls



xRTML: eXtensible Realtime Markup Language is the language for Realtime.

xRTMLxRTML allows you to build real time enabled websites very easily in an html like language. With APIs for all the major server side languages such as ASP.Net, PHP, JSP and more.
Get to know more about xRTML! Go to Documentation

xRTML is just like HTML

Turn HTML into xRTMLUsing xRTML you can now unfold the power of Realtime and develop highly interactive websitesjust as if you were doing regular HTML. Adding our library is a breeze and, with as few as a single line of code, you can send and receive data to and from your users. One of them or ALL of them, simultaneously!”Part of the Realtime Framework, xRTML is a patented HTML-like markup language that allows you to add Realtime features to your website.”

HTML5 features that we can use in all our projects right now!


HTML5 Forms Are Coming

HTML forms have been, to date, quite simplistic. We’ve had limited options: the text field, the checkbox, the radio button, the textarea and finally the select drop down. Any complex data like phone numbers, email addresses or dates had to be checked by JavaScript. (And you should always and I mean always do server-side validation of the data.)

The input element works overtime by being rendered completely differently based on the type it’s given—be that a text field, password, checkbox, radio button, and others. Considering my readership, this is all terribly old and boring to you now. I understand.

New Types

Under the HTML5 umbrella, however, forms are getting a makeover. The new input types are:

* search
* tel
* url
* email
* datetime, date, month, week, time, and datetime-local
* number
* range
* color

In the example of an email field, validation could be performed by the browser, without JavaScript, to ensure that an email address was correctly entered. Even more powerful, it could allow autocomplete based on your local address book.

read more »


HTML: caracteres especiais

Special Characters in HTML

left single quote ‘
right single quote ’
single low-9 quote ‚
left double quote “
right double quote ”
double low-9 quote „
dagger †
double dagger ‡
per mill sign ‰
single left-pointing angle quote ‹
single right-pointing angle quote ›
black spade suit ♠ ?
black club suit ♣ ?
black heart suit ♥ ?
black diamond suit ♦ ?
overline, = spacing overscore ‾ ?
leftward arrow ← ?
upward arrow ↑ ?
rightward arrow → ?
downward arrow ↓ ?
trademark sign ™ ™
unused �-

horizontal tab 	
line feed 

exclamation mark ! !
double quotation mark " "
number sign # #
dollar sign $ $
percent sign % %
ampersand & & &
apostrophe '
left parenthesis ( (
right parenthesis ) )
asterisk * *
plus sign + +
comma , ,
hyphen -
period . .
slash / ⁄ /
digits 0-9 0-
colon : :
semicolon &#59; ;
less-than sign &#60; &lt; <
equals sign &#61; =
greater-than sign &#62; &gt; >
question mark &#63; ?
at sign &#64; @
uppercase letters A-Z &#65;-
left square bracket &#91; [
backslash &#92; \
right square bracket &#93; ]
caret &#94; ^
horizontal bar (underscore) &#95; _
grave accent &#96; `
lowercase letters a-z &#97;-
left curly brace &#123; {
vertical bar &#124; |
right curly brace &#125; }
tilde &#126; ~
unused &#127;-
en dash &#150; &ndash;
em dash &#151; &mdash;
unused &#152;-
nonbreaking space &#160; &nbsp;
inverted exclamation &#161; &iexcl; ¡
cent sign &#162; &cent; ¢
pound sterling &#163; &pound; £
general currency sign &#164; &curren; ¤
yen sign &#165; &yen; ¥
broken vertical bar &#166; &brvbar; or &brkbar; ¦
section sign &#167; &sect; §
umlaut &#168; &uml; or &die; ¨
copyright &#169; &copy; ©
feminine ordinal &#170; &ordf; ª
left angle quote &#171; &laquo; «
not sign &#172; &not; ¬
soft hyphen &#173; &shy; ­
registered trademark &#174; &reg; ®
macron accent &#175; &macr; or &hibar; ¯
degree sign &#176; &deg; °
plus or minus &#177; &plusmn; ±
superscript two &#178; &sup2; ²
superscript three &#179; &sup3; ³
acute accent &#180; &acute; ´
micro sign &#181; &micro; µ
paragraph sign &#182; &para;
middle dot &#183; &middot; ·
cedilla &#184; &cedil; ¸
superscript one &#185; &sup1; ¹
masculine ordinal &#186; &ordm; º
right angle quote &#187; &raquo; »
one-fourth &#188; &frac14; ¼
one-half &#189; &frac12; ½
three-fourths &#190; &frac34; ¾
inverted question mark &#191; &iquest; ¿
uppercase A, grave accent &#192; &Agrave; À
uppercase A, acute accent &#193; &Aacute; Á
uppercase A, circumflex accent &#194; &Acirc; Â
uppercase A, tilde &#195; &Atilde; Ã
uppercase A, umlaut &#196; &Auml; Ä
uppercase A, ring &#197; &Aring; Å
uppercase AE &#198; &AElig; Æ
uppercase C, cedilla &#199; &Ccedil; Ç
uppercase E, grave accent &#200; &Egrave; È
uppercase E, acute accent &#201; &Eacute; É
uppercase E, circumflex accent &#202; &Ecirc; Ê
uppercase E, umlaut &#203; &Euml; Ë
uppercase I, grave accent &#204; &Igrave; Ì
uppercase I, acute accent &#205; &Iacute; Í
uppercase I, circumflex accent &#206; &Icirc; Î
uppercase I, umlaut &#207; &Iuml; Ï
uppercase Eth, Icelandic &#208; &ETH; Ð
uppercase N, tilde &#209; &Ntilde; Ñ
uppercase O, grave accent &#210; &Ograve; Ò
uppercase O, acute accent &#211; &Oacute; Ó
uppercase O, circumflex accent &#212; &Ocirc; Ô
uppercase O, tilde &#213; &Otilde; Õ
uppercase O, umlaut &#214; &Ouml; Ö
multiplication sign &#215; &times; ×
uppercase O, slash &#216; &Oslash; Ø
uppercase U, grave accent &#217; &Ugrave; Ù
uppercase U, acute accent &#218; &Uacute; Ú
uppercase U, circumflex accent &#219; &Ucirc; Û
uppercase U, umlaut &#220; &Uuml; Ü
uppercase Y, acute accent &#221; &Yacute; Ý
uppercase THORN, Icelandic &#222; &THORN; Þ
lowercase sharps, German &#223; &szlig; ß
lowercase a, grave accent &#224; &agrave; à
lowercase a, acute accent &#225; &aacute; á
lowercase a, circumflex accent &#226; &acirc; â
lowercase a, tilde &#227; &atilde; ã
lowercase a, umlaut &#228; &auml; ä
lowercase a, ring &#229; &aring; å
lowercase ae &#230; &aelig; æ
lowercase c, cedilla &#231; &ccedil; ç
lowercase e, grave accent &#232; &egrave; è
lowercase e, acute accent &#233; &eacute; é
lowercase e, circumflex accent &#234; &ecirc; ê
lowercase e, umlaut &#235; &euml; ë
lowercase i, grave accent &#236; &igrave; ì
lowercase i, acute accent &#237; &iacute; í
lowercase i, circumflex accent &#238; &icirc; î
lowercase i, umlaut &#239; &iuml; ï
lowercase eth, Icelandic &#240; &eth; ð
lowercase n, tilde &#241; &ntilde; ñ
lowercase o, grave accent &#242; &ograve; ò
lowercase o, acute accent &#243; &oacute; ó
lowercase o, circumflex accent &#244; &ocirc; ô
lowercase o, tilde &#245; &otilde; õ
lowercase o, umlaut &#246; &ouml; ö
division sign &#247; &divide; ÷
lowercase o, slash &#248; &oslash; ø
lowercase u, grave accent &#249; &ugrave; ù
lowercase u, acute accent &#250; &uacute; ú
lowercase u, circumflex accent &#251; &ucirc; û
lowercase u, umlaut &#252; &uuml; ü
lowercase y, acute accent &#253; &yacute; ý
lowercase thorn, Icelandic &#254; &thorn; þ
lowercase y, umlaut &#255; &yuml; ÿ
Alpha &Alpha; ?
alpha &alpha; ?
Beta &Beta; ?
beta &beta; ?
Gamma &Gamma; ?
gamma &gamma; ?
Delta &Delta; ?
delta &delta; ?
Epsilon &Epsilon; ?
epsilon &epsilon; ?
Zeta &Zeta; ?
zeta &zeta; ?
Eta &Eta; ?
eta &eta; ?
Theta &Theta; ?
theta &theta; ?
Iota &Iota; ?
iota &iota; ?
Kappa &Kappa; ?
kappa &kappa; ?
Lambda &Lambda; ?
lambda &lambda; ?
Mu &Mu; ?
mu &mu; ?
Nu &Nu; ?
nu &nu; ?
Xi &Xi; ?
xi &xi; ?
Omicron &Omicron; ?
omicron &omicron; ?
Pi &Pi; ?
pi &pi; ?
Rho &Rho; ?
rho &rho; ?
Sigma &Sigma; ?
sigma &sigma; ?
Tau &Tau; ?
tau &tau; ?
Upsilon &Upsilon; ?
upsilon &upsilon; ?
Phi &Phi; ?
phi &phi; ?
Chi &Chi; ?
chi &chi; ?
Psi &Psi; ?
psi &psi; ?
Omega &Omega; ?
omega &omega; ?
password dot &#9679; ?
bullet &#8226;