IIS returns HTTP 404 for Office 2007 file downloads

This is kind of an old issue, but since I mostly work on corporate projects, we’re a bit slow on adopting new versions of anything.
I ran into this issue with Microsoft Word 2007 documents, but the same error will occur with any other file type that isn’t properly configured on the web server.

Microsoft Word 2007 documents return a HTTP 404 error when users attempt to download the documents. The web server uses Microsoft IIS 6.0.

IIS does not have a wildcard mapping for unknown MIME types and the file type is not known to the web server. This prevents IIS 6.0 to serve the file.


To resolve the errors, add the missing MIME types to IIS.

1. Open IIS Management Console (via Computer Manager->Services and Applications->Internet Information Service)
2. Right click on “Web Sites”.
3. Choose Properties
4. Activate “HTTP Headers” tab
5. Click “File Types” button in the MIME Map groupbox
6. Click “New Type”
7. Enter the MIME type data from the below table

Content type (MIME)
(remove any spaces below)
docx application/vnd.openxmlformats- officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
pptx application/vnd.openxmlformats- officedocument.presentationml.presentation
xlsx application/vnd.openxmlformats- officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet

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